Southern Dogface Butterfly – A Rare Sighting in Northern Virginia – April 14, 2022

April 28, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

One nice spring day when I was out with my camera I came across and photographed what I thought was a Clouded Sulphur butterfly.  I was pleased to find it - one of the first butterflies I’d seen in 2022.  After I returned home and edited my photos I posted the Clouded Sulphur on iNaturalist, a website that documents wildlife and foliage sightings worldwide.  Other members verify observations and the data is available for researchers.

After I posted the observation, another iNaturalist member noted that my observation was a Southern Dogface – a butterfly very similar to a Clouded Sulphur but with a pattern on the upper side of its forewings that resembles a dogs face (see:  The unusual thing about my sighting was that the Southern Dogface had never been sighted in Virginia and posted on iNaturalist.  I checked other postings and sure enough, there were none in Virginia.  The closest verified observation was 342 miles south – a little northeast of McBee, SC.  Furthermore, my sighting did appear to be a Southern Dogface.  The dog’s face was not very apparent but a pointed wingtip, another characteristic of the Southern Dogface (and different from the Clouded Sulphur), was obvious.  Moreover, my observation looked identical to many other postings.  I also checked The BugGuide and Butterflies and Moths of North America.  There were none in Virginia on The BugGuide site and a five on Butterflies and Moths of North America but none with photos – the most recent being from 2014 south of Cape Charles in southern Virginia.  Below is a map of the range of the Southern Dogface in North America and Mexico (source: iNaturalist).  The teardrop shows the location of my verified sighting relative to all the others - clearly off the beaten path.

Teardrop locates my observationSouthern Dogface butterfly range in the USA and Mexico. Teardrop locates my observation. Source: iNaturalist

My three photos of the Southern Dogface

Southern Dogface nectaring on Purple Dead Nettle - by pathway south of Lirio Ct

Another of the Southern Dogface A 3rd of the Southern Dogface


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