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Visitors 84
Modified 10-Jun-24
Created 10-Oct-16
126 photos

Jamese and Don assemble their coupled Co-Motions - Mas PelegriThe view from our room at Mas Pelegri looking eastThe church in Esponella SpainLake of Banyoles - site of the 1992 summer Olympics rowing competitionOne of many Moorhens - Lake of BanyolesSusan, Dave, Larry and Bill - La Carpa de BanyolesThe 5pm daily laundry - Mas PelegriThe lap pool at Mas PelegriOne of many mouse traps at Mas PelegriMas Pelegri on a sunny cool morningMonastery high above Maià de Montcal on GIV-5234Crucifixion at the monasteryKaren sporting her new Italian jersey riding by the monasteryThe monastery from GIV-5234Rolled bales lining a field north of Besalu SpainThe tourist train - BesaluSant Pere de Besalú - last renovated in 1160Gulls on Terracotta - BesaluDecorations - Placa Major - BesaluPicturesque Besalu from C66z bridge

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