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Visitors 11
Modified 20-May-24
Created 21-Jan-16
90 photos

Six geezers await Lambert arrival in El PasoKaren, Charlie, Julie, Mary Ellen & Joe at dinner Saturday nightSpeed limit - no problem in west TexasCity Hall - Marfa texasBeth, Bob & Karen at Conchitas in Marfa TexasHeading south on Hwy 67 south of MarfaHeading east on Hwy 170 east of PresidioLooking west on Hwy 170 near LajitasInstructions at trailhead to Cattail FallsOn trail to Cattail FallsThe pool at Cattail FallsCactus on Cactus - Cattail Falls trailReturn from Cattail FallsMinature barrel cactus - near Cattail FallsKevin & Patrick prepare a chilly lunch - Castolon Visitor CenterMexico opposite Terlingua creekCrossing Terlingua Creek at Santa Elena CanyonRio Grande at Santa Elena CanyonRio Grande flowing out of Santa Elena CanyonSanta Elena Canyon illusion

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